Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Organic vs Conventional

Food is something I always think about. When I wake up, the first thing that comes to my mind is what's for breakfast? The first thing I think of after school is what's for dinner? I always want a snack or something to satisfy me. If I want to eat that much....it might as well be healthy right?

Is it really healthy?

Organic food has a lot more nutrients then most food in grocery stores. Why? Because no insecticides, herbicides, fumigants, fungicides, or miticides have been used for the plants. Many things that they use to keep bugs, weeds, and other stuff off the plants are cancer causing. I don`t know about you, but I would much rather eat something that a fly has landed on instead of eating something that could give me a life threatening disease. Plus, they use things without chemicals to keep anything unnecessary off the plants. :)

I want flavor!

A lot of people think because something is healthy that means it doesn't taste as good. That is not completely true. Many organic fruits and vegetables are juicer and have more flavor compared to the canned and processed. The Milk is also richer and the some say the cheese is mouthwatering. If you start to eat organic you will probably not want to switch back. :)

Guilt free:

When you eat organic foods you really don't have to think about how many calories your putting into your body or how long it will take to work this off. It`s completely guilt free. Eating it will help you feel better, give you more energy, and give you satisfaction in yourself daily. You can even buy organic chocolate that`s creamy and tastes even better.

Green Friendly:

When you buy organic foods your also helping the environment, because organic farms are more environment and animal friendly. Think of all the chickens that are cramped in tiny cages, cows in horrible living conditions and milked till they can't be anymore. When they feed the cows and other animals organic foods they are sick a lot less and they provide better tasting milk and other foods for you.

Is it worth it?

For most organic foods it is well worth the cost. Say you were buying non organics that don`t have as many nutrients in them. If you bought the organic foods instead you could get the nutrients you need without eating as much food. If you did the math it would show you that you would actually save money on certain foods but on others you would spend a little more. It's really up to you and your budget. If you feel you can afford to go completely organic then go for it. If you would have a hard time with it financially just buy certain organics. A little does make a difference. :)

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